Boho Bubble Braid Combo

Hey everyone! Wow, it’s been a while since I posted my last tutorial! My family has been in the process of moving interstate for the last couple of months (among other things), and have finally moved into the new house.ย  I’m hoping to get back into it now and you should be seeing a lot more of me in future posts. (;

Now onto today’s tutorial! I’m going to show you how to create this cool, boho bubble braid combo. Which is pretty simple to do, but the finished look is quite a unique and intricate hairstyle!

Items needed: 5 or more small rubber hairties, a tospy tail tool (You can find them at most 2 dollar shops, and other places like that. (; )
Time: 15-20 (just because the braids are small and a little time consuming)
Skill Level: Medium
Step by step instructions:
1.) Start by sectioning off some hair at the top of your hair and tie it back. (You can pull all the hair straight back or can do a middle or side part.) Make sure to cover the elastic by wrapping some hair around it, and then pin the end to secure it. Or you can use the topsy tail trick which I will explain down below. (I find this trick keeps the hair wrap much more secure than bobby pins.)

2.) Next, you are going to move down your tie back about an inch or so, and secure it off with another hair tie to create the bubble look. After securing with an elastic you’ll want to tug on the bubble a bit to create a puffier look.

3.) Now to do the topsy tail hair wrap trick. You will need to get it and insert the pointy end straight down into the middle of the tied section (not behind it.) Then pick up a small section of hair from the back of you tied-back section, and wrap it around the elastic a few times before poking through the loop of the topsy tail. Hold the end of the hair through the loop with one hand and use the other to pull the pointy end of the topsy tail down through the hair tie.


4.) Repeat steps 2-3 till you get near the ends of your hair. (I did three bubble sections before stopping.)

You could leave the hairstyle as is at this point, or continue the rest of the steps to give it a more boho look.ย 

5.) Next you are just going to do a reverse fishtail braid on other side of the bubble braid. (For a reverse fishtail, you just take the sections behind instead of in front.) If don’t know how to fishtail check out my video here. Make sure to tug or pull on the edges of the braid as you go along for a bigger, more fanned out look.

6.) Hairspray if desired, and feel free to bobby pin anything that isn’t sitting the way you want it to.

And you’re done!

Feel free to leave any hairstyle requests here.ย  And let me know what you think in the comments down below! (:

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